Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. >>Learn More

Also, you have until March 31 to set up  your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Health Services

Flight Medicine/ Base Operation Medical Cell (BOMC)

What we do

We serve the needs of our active duty flight crew members, air traffic controllers, special operational duty personnel, special occupational exposure personnel, select support personnel and associated family members. In addition to treating patients and providing preventive and self-care guidance, Flight Medicine responsibilities include; responding to in-flight emergencies, performing shop safety visits and inspections, functioning as medical experts and consultants to all aerospace medicine duties, staffing two year-round deployed locations, and augmenting safety and accident investigation boards as needed. We are the base office of primary responsibility for review of all mobility and duty restriction profiles, per AF Form 469, and overseas PCS and security clearances.

Beneficiaries Treated

Active Duty Service Members Only


Medical readiness requirements can be managed via the ASIMS application at Questions are best addressed using the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. If unable to send questions or utilize the portal, contact BOMC at 530-634-2941 PRESS (option 1, 1, 1).

Specific Instructions

IMR Action List

List at will show due or overdue items that can be resolved by your action. If you have any questions about what is on your Action List, select the ‘Action List Help’ Link for more information.

Periodic Health Assessments (PHA)

  • To initiate your PHA, please click the PHAQ Link located in the PHA Column of your IMR Page. Please note: If you are not due for your PHA, you will be prohibited to start a new PHAQ without the MTF unlocking it. Once you complete the PHAQ, you will need to do one of the following: 
    • ​If you are in a flying position or you are a qualified flyer wanting to maintain flying qualification, message (USAF Beale Flight Medicine Scheduling) via the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal or if unable to message, call Flight Medicine at 530-634-2941 to schedule your Annual PHA/Flight Physical. That appointment will also take care of the annual MHA requirement. NOTE: IF PHAQ is NOT completed prior to appointment. It will be rescheduled. MUST SHOW 1 HR prior to appointment time, due to completing AUDIO/LABS.
    • If you are a member of the 12 RS and require a FLY PHA message (USAF Beale Flight Medicine Scheduling) via the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal or if unable to message, call Flight Medicine at 530-634-2941 to schedule your Annual PHA/Flight Physical. NOTE: If you are a student in training, you will not require a Face to Face appointment.
    • If you are in the Air Force Reserve or Air National Guard (including IMA), and your IMR ACTION LIST shows In-Person PHA, contact the BOMC office via the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal via message or appointment request. If unable, call the BOMC Office at 530-634-2941 to schedule your in-person PHA. That appointment will also take care of the annual MHA requirement. If you are located outside of the local Sacramento area and due for an in-person PHA, please call 530-634-2941 for assistance in accomplishing your PHA.
    • If this is your first PHA in the Air Force, you will require an in-person PHA. Contact the BOMC office via the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal via message or appointment request. If unable, call the BOMC Office at 530-634-2941 to schedule. That appointment will also take care of the annual MHA requirement.
    • If none of the previous applies to you, please contact the BOMC office via the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal or if unable, call the BOMC Office at 530-634- 2941 to schedule your MHA. Once your MHA is completed, nothing further is required of you in order to complete the PHA.

Deployment Health Assessments (DRHA/DHA)

The purpose of the Deployment-Related Health Assessment (DRHA) Program is to identify and to address service members health care needs related to deployment. DRHAs assist with the early identification and management of deployment-related health concerns and conditions that may surface in the months before or the months to years after deployment. DRHAs are a vital component of the Air Force’s ability to provide effective care and treatment for members with deployment-related health concerns.


To schedule your annual dental appointment, call the Dental Clinic at 530- 634-2941.


HIV labs are a walk-in service; no prior ordering of the lab is required IF DUE.


  • COVID-19 Vaccines: Please contact at 530-634-2941 (immunization) for instruction.
  • TB Tests: Please contact at 530-634-2941 (immunization) for instruction. We do not administer TB tests on Thursdays or Fridays prior to long weekends.
  • Travel Vaccines: If you plan to travel outside the CONUS, you need to visit Public Health to discuss your travel plans.
  • Smallpox vaccinations: The clinic does not distribute vaccines during COVID operations. Please consult with your Public Health Deployment Coordinator if you have further questions.

Separation Health Physical Exam (SHPE)

This is an introduction for the medical separation/retirement process. Please follow the steps and contacts listed as well as the information given to you through TAPS and via the separation-briefing meeting. Please note, SHPE records will be put on a CD. If you need copies contact Medical Records 530-634-2941 (Medical records) or go to for records of encounters before April 2021.
  • STEP 1: Log into your IMR via the AF Portal, click on the SHPE tab, follow the on-screen prompts and instructions to initiate the SHPE Questionnaire and MHA, and then reach out to BOMC via the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal message or at 530-645-2665. If the SHPE/MHA questionnaires/audiogram are not complete, we will not schedule you. If you are planning to see the VA, do not complete the SHPE MHA, and contact BOMC via the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal or call BOMC at 530-645-2665 for further instructions.
  • STEP 2: Please contact the local MTF SHPE Clinic/BOMC on the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal or by phone at 530-645-2665 for instructions on starting the SHPE process. You will need to know your Terminal Leave date (if applicable), your Retirement or Separation date, and your Final Out appointment date and time. The BOMC Office will also need to know whether you are attempting to collect any disability or rating from the VA.
  • STEP 3: Please contact Public Health 530-634-2941 for information on Hearing Exam. Walk-in times 0800-1400 for Hearing Exam. Complete your Hearing Exam prior to your SHPE appointment.
  • STEP 4: Please contact the dental clinic directly to schedule your final dental exam or by phone at 530-634-2941(Dental).
  • STEP 5: Your SHPE (separation/retirement) process can start 179 days from your Final Out date. We would like to schedule you for your SHPE exam with the provider BEFORE you go on/take your terminal leave. For further guidance or questions, please contact BOMC via the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal or at 530-645-2665.

Medical Clearance

Medical Clearance in ASIMS, select the New Medical Clearance Request, and choose appropriate types of request being submitted. After submitting your request, you can check your status in your IMR. This program defaults to Needs required documentation after you submit, the only required documentation is the PCS paperwork listed above or any special duty instructions. Most medical clearance requests take approximately 10-14 duty days to complete. If you have on-going medical care, are seen off base by a specialist, or require a medical waiver, the clearance can be delayed beyond the normal processing time. Please click the below button (Start new medical clearance request) and follow the prompts for which clearance you require.
For any questions or concerns, please call Medical Standards at 530-634-4695 or e-mail our Org Box at Please allow 24- 48 hours for email responses. You may also use the MHS Genesis Patient Portal to send a message to USAF Beale Flight Medicine using the link below.
  1. Retraining/Re-class

    Attach your retraining myPers response email in an email has your eligible AFSCs for retraining to Org Box at Once the 422A is complete (10-14 duty days), it can be download from AF Portal under My IMR area. Flying AFSCs will take 10-12 weeks (please contact Flight Medicine via secure message or at 530-634-4695). If you wear contact lenses, do not wear them for 30 days prior to your Flight Physical.

  2. Overseas Medical Clearance (AD only)

    Attach Medical Clearance Memo, RNLTD, PPC (on RIP), and EDD on email to the MSME workbox Org Box at Your request will remain PENDING until we receive your medical clearance memo. PCS clearances are processed NO EARLIER than 120 days from RNLTD. Please include your report date in the additional comments section.

  3. Palace Chase/Front 422A Request

    Complete the medical questions and provide a tentative separation date. SHPE will be completed after your 422 request is complete. Submit documentation to Org Box at

Contact Us


Option press (#1,#1,#1)


  • Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
  • RTF: Monday through Friday, 7:15– 8:00 a.m.
  • Wednesday (Grounding Management) 12:00 p.m.-13:00 p.m.


BOMC/Flight Medicine Clinic is located in the Active Duty Clinic. Once you walk in through the main doors, just go straight passed the lab.

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!